Airplane seats / By Voe / Adobe Stock
According to many crew members, airplane cabins There can be some truly disgusting places. This statement, which is not new, still shocks some passengers.
Many travel experts on various social networks have stated that certain surfaces inside the plane should be disinfected, or even completely disinfected.
One of them, former flight attendant Kat Kamalani, described in a TikTok video how some floors were rarely cleaned.
Everything Around Your Airplane Seat Might Be Dirty
“ A flight attendant’s survey of the dirtiest parts of the plane », announces Kat at the beginning of her viral video. The young woman starts by pointing to the seat pockets and explains: emptied between flights but never disinfected “.“ Think of all the dirty tissues, vomit bags, and trash out there “, he adds.
Always relevant to the topic armchairKat talks about the folding tablet on which you think you can eat with peace of mind. “ I have seen many parents use this as a changing table to change their baby’s diaper. “, said the old stewardess, quoting Sun.
It continues with the surfaces that all passengers touch: the seat belt buckle and security badges” Many people read to pass the time. “.
According to him, these surfaces see hundreds of hands and are never wiped. One Internet user even testified: “ One time I found chewing gum stuck to the security card. I explained this to a staff member and he took it. Who knows what you can do with it? “.
@katkamalani Flight attendant hack. BIG things on the plane. #flight attendants #fyp #flightattendantlife #life hack #traveltips
“So what are you cleaning then?” »
In her shocking revelations, the former flight attendant points to the plane’s toilets, which are known to be one of the dirtiest places in the cabin. Kat goes so far as to recommend it” use tissue to lock the door “.
The young woman ends her video by giving practical advice to passengers: “ You can always find sanitary pads hidden in the toilet stall “.
The video, which was watched 1.5 million times, horrified many internet users. The scandalous latter expressed their dismay among 760 comments on the video.
“ So what are you cleaning then? “, ” Blame the airlines, not the flight attendants or maintenance workers. They only have 15 minutes between flights to clean the entire cabin “We can read it.
The 7 dirtiest places on the plane, according to the flight attendant
Airplane: The 3 dirtiest places in the cabin, according to a flight attendant