Halloween in Alsace 4/5: Dangolsheim’s ghostly legionnaire

Halloween is coming soon, sorry Samhain, the curtain between worlds is thinning, creatures will soon cross it. Sometimes necessity, hunger, hunting For example, in Dangolsheim, Dàngelshe, a ghost has been scaring the residents for a long time, but not in the way you think. There is a spring in Dangolsheim between Soultz-les-Bains and Bergbieten. Only geese and ducks can appreciate this mysterious spring that flows from the bottom of the village and flows into a large pool. Beneath the hill overlooking the entire town to the south lies a dark, well-built vaulted corridor. No one knows how far this underground passage, which already existed in Roman times, went. You’re right, you will hear it.

Many old people knew this story; They often told each other about it in the Stub on long winter evenings. Everyone had an ancestor who saw this. O. One evening in late July, when many residents gathered around the spring to enjoy the coolness, a strange sound was heard. It came from the end of the corridor, where the spring flows. It resembled the footsteps of a man walking slowly, and the sound of his sandals or shoes was amplified by the arches. It looked like it was slowly getting closer. But everyone knew that there was no way out of this corridor. At the same time, a faint light approached deep into the black intestine. It was becoming clearer and clearer. And suddenly he appears, passing through the bars as if they did not exist and yet still firmly blocking the entrance to the underground, a silhouette enveloped in a cloud of light. This sight caused great fear in the community, several people hurriedly fled. The others were so scared that they froze in place. This ghost resembled a Roman legionary soldier raising his right arm in salute. No sound came out of his mouth. But all those who remained frozen with fear clearly saw tears flowing from their eyes. Slowly bowing his head, he turned around and entered the long corridor again, where he was quickly swallowed up in darkness. It was in 1914.

A few days later, World War I broke out. The same apparition was reported again in 1939, and it was then recalled that it had been seen before, in 1870. In Dangolsheim, we now know that this strange entity has departed from a known underground world where everything is made known to the world. They are experiencing great tragedies waiting for them. Maybe their transition towards death. It is natural that the inhabitants of the region were worried about this incident, hoping that the legionnaire would never greet them again and announce an impending massacre.

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